Spinnaker: docker-registry


You will need a valid docker registry before you add any trigger in the pipeline in Spinnaker

Official documentation is a good resource to seek more clarifications


In my case I have already added an account my-docker-registry as under (The final result after you successfully configure Docker.

bash-5.0$ hal config provider docker-registry account list
+ Get current deployment
+ Get the dockerRegistry provider
+ Accounts for dockerRegistry:
  - my-docker-registry

To get the details I used for adding using the hal to get the account

bash-5.0$ hal config provider docker-registry account get my-docker-registry 
+ Get current deployment
+ Get my-docker-registry account
+ Account my-docker-registry: 
DockerRegistryAccount(address=https://index.docker.io, username=samarthya, password=-------------------, passwordCommand=null, email=saurabh777@gmail.com, cacheIntervalSeconds=30, clientTimeoutMillis=60000, cacheThreads=1, paginateSize=100, sortTagsByDate=false, trackDigests=false, insecureRegistry=false, repositories=[samarthya/spinnaker], repositoriesRegex=null, passwordFile=null, dockerconfigFile=null)

DockerRegistryAccount(address=https://index.docker.io, username=samarthya,
password=-------------------, passwordCommand=null,
email=saurabh777@gmail.com, cacheIntervalSeconds=30, clientTimeoutMillis=60000,
cacheThreads=1, paginateSize=100, sortTagsByDate=false, trackDigests=false,
insecureRegistry=false, repositories=[samarthya/spinnaker],
repositoriesRegex=null, passwordFile=null, dockerconfigFile=null)

How to add?

Seek help at the console using the -h flag

bash-5.0$ hal config provider docker-registry -h

  Manage and view Spinnaker configuration for the dockerRegistry provider


  hal config provider docker-registry [parameters] [subcommands]


    If supplied, connect to the daemon at this address.

    Get options for the specified field name.

  -a, --alpha
    Enable alpha halyard features.

  -c, --color
    Enable terminal color output.

  -d, --debug
    Show detailed network traffic with halyard daemon.

  -h, --help=false
    Display help text about this command.

  -l, --log
    Set the log level of the CLI.

  -o, --output
    Format the CLIs output.

  -q, --quiet
    Show no task information or messages. When set, ANSI formatting will be
    disabled, and all prompts will be accepted.


    If supplied, use this Halyard deployment. This will _not_ create a new

    Skip validation.


    Manage and view Spinnaker configuration for the dockerRegistry provider's

    Set the dockerRegistry provider as disabled

    Set the dockerRegistry provider as enabled

Adding account

The basic configuration options for docker-registry are add, delete, get (look below)

bash-5.0$ hal config provider docker-registry account -h

  Manage and view Spinnaker configuration for the dockerRegistry provider's


  hal config provider docker-registry account [parameters] [subcommands]


    If supplied, connect to the daemon at this address.

    Get options for the specified field name.

  -a, --alpha
    Enable alpha halyard features.

  -c, --color
    Enable terminal color output.

  -d, --debug
    Show detailed network traffic with halyard daemon.

  -h, --help=false
    Display help text about this command.

  -l, --log
    Set the log level of the CLI.

  -o, --output
    Format the CLIs output.

  -q, --quiet
    Show no task information or messages. When set, ANSI formatting will be
    disabled, and all prompts will be accepted.


    The name of the account to operate on.

    If supplied, use this Halyard deployment. This will _not_ create a new

    Skip validation.


    Add an account to the dockerRegistry provider.

    Delete a specific dockerRegistry account by name.

    Edit an account in the dockerRegistry provider.

    Get the specified account details for the dockerRegistry provider.

    List the account names for the dockerRegistry provider.

hal config provider docker-registry account add

The DockerHub registry address is index.docker.io

  • Options 1 name of the account my-docker-registry
  • Option 2 --email=<a valid email>
  • Option 3 --username
  • Option 4 --address=index.docker.io
  • Option 4 --password

    The name of the account to operate on.

  --address=gcr.io (required)
    The registry address you want to pull and deploy images from. For example:
    index.docker.io     - DockerHub
    quay.io             - Quay
    gcr.io              - Google Container Registry (GCR)
    [us|eu|asia].gcr.io - Regional GCR
    localhost           - Locally deployed registry

    How many seconds elapse between polling your docker registry. Certain registries
    are sensitive to over-polling, and larger intervals (e.g. 10 minutes = 600
    seconds) are desirable if you're seeing rate limiting.

    How many threads to cache all provided repos on. Really only useful if you have
    a ton of repos.

    Timeout time in milliseconds for this repository.

    If supplied, use this Halyard deployment. This will _not_ create a new

    Your docker registry email (often this only needs to be well-formed, rather than
    be a real address)

    The environment name for the account. Many accounts can share the same
    environment (e.g. dev, test, prod)

    Treat the docker registry as insecure (don't validate the ssl cert).

    Skip validation.

    Paginate size for the docker repository _catalog endpoint.

  --password (sensitive data - user will be prompted)
    Your docker registry password

    Command to retrieve docker token/password, commands must be available in

    The path to a file containing your docker password in plaintext (not a
    docker/config.json file)

    A user must have at least one of these roles in order to view this account's
    cloud resources.

    An optional list of repositories to cache images from. If not provided,
    Spinnaker will attempt to read accessible repositories from the registries
    _catalog endpoint

    Allows to specify a Regular Expression to filter the repositories.

    A user must be a member of at least one specified group in order to make changes
    to this account's cloud resources.

    Sort tags by creation date. Not recommended for use with large registries;
    sorting performance scales poorly due to limitations of the Docker V2 API.

    Track digest changes. This is not recommended as it consumes a high QPM, and
    most registries are flaky.

    Your docker registry username

    A user must have at least one of these roles in order to make changes to this
    account's cloud resources.