Files: GoLang

Saurabh Sharma

Learning a new syntax and the libraries is always a task, and the only way forward is gradual. In this blog I will try to create a small program to read a text file and will keep updating the program to include more sophistication

I will not talk about packages, code organization. If required please look at my previous blogs which cover them in detail.

Code: File

I will give you the complete code and then explain what all I have done

package files

import (

func message(m string) {
	log.Printf(" FILES: %s", m)

// ReadFile reads the file and dump contents
func ReadFile(fn string) {
	message("ReadFile Invoked")
	fh, err := os.OpenFile(fn, os.O_RDONLY, 0666)

	if err != nil {
		message(" Unable to open file " + fn)

	defer fh.Close()
	defer message(" Closing the handle")

	fr := bufio.NewReader(fh)
	for {
		li, err := fr.ReadString('\n')
		if err == nil {
			fmt.Printf(" ><: %s", li)
		} else if err == io.EOF {
			fmt.Println(" --- End of File ---")
		fmt.Println(" Error:", err)



Step 1: Define the package

I keep the logic separate form the main package as a habit, and continuing the trend; I define a package files here.

package files

imports will be explained later, but lets define a helper function – message.

Step 2: Function message

func message(m string) {
	log.Printf(" FILES: %s", m)

The primary purpose of this is printing a debug message with a predefined prefix FILES:


2021/01/21 18:46:30  FILES: ReadFile Invoked

Step 3: Function ReadFile

Let’s write the function that will read the actual file which will be passed as an argument.

Invoking this function is as easy as importing the package and calling files.ReadFile

Arguments: fn – FileName

The ReadFile shall take an argument the file-name that needs to be read for contents. The objective of this function is simple – Dump everything on the STDOUT.

package osLink

Package os allows a platform independent interface to Operating System functionality and hence the name O.S.

Function – OpenFile

The primary function we will be using the OpenFile. It opens the specified name with the specified flags.

fh, err := os.OpenFile(fn, os.O_RDONLY, 0666)

The official documentation defines the signature of the function as

func OpenFile(name string, flag int, perm FileMode) (*File, error)

Returning the FileHandle – fh and in case of error err.

More about the File can be found here.

Check for error which can indicate file open was failure.

if err != nil {
	message(" Unable to open file " + fn)

Example: readme1.txt

In case the file doesn’t exists the error message as below can be seen

2021/01/21 22:45:04  FILES:  Unable to open file readme1.txt

A deferred call to close the file. Which shall render the fh useless for io operation.

defer fh.Close()
defer message(" Closing the handle")

ReadContents: BufferedReader

After opening the file it is time to read the contents, for this we will use a bufio package.


Using the filehandle – fh lets create a reader fr.

fr := bufio.NewReader(fh)

Ideally you should check for nil before you proceed to reading the contents. I am using the ReadString from the reader.

func (b *Reader) ReadString(delim byte) (string, error)

It will read till the occurrence of the first newline (delimiter)

li, err := fr.ReadString('\n')

rest of the code is quite simple that processes

  • Checking error for the invocation of ReadString
  • If no error – dump the contents on stdout
  • In case of error check if it is EOF
  • Else, show the nature of error and break out of the for loop.
if err == nil {
	fmt.Printf(" ><: %s", li)
} else if err == io.EOF {
	fmt.Println(" --- End of File ---")
fmt.Println(" Error:", err)