GoLang: Program Banner

Saurabh Sharma

In the last blog I talked about command line arguments os.Args[]. In this I will try and create a sample banner program that shall

  • Take 3 arguments
  • n – Number of times a message has to be repeated.
  • m – The message that needs to be shown.
  • d – If debug message needs to be shown.

I am going to use the flags package.

Source code is available here


Defining: Banner

The package flag has the extended capability of parsing the flags.

Define Flags

Variant one

var times = flag.Int("n", 1, "number of times the message needs to be displayed")
var msg = flag.String("m", "", "the message that needs to be printed")
var dbg = flag.Bool("d", false, "to debug or not")

A good reference available here.

You can also define flags using

var nTimes int

func init() {
	flag.IntVar(&nTimes, "n", 1, "number of times the message needs to be displayed")

After all flags are defined you must call, to parse the command line into flags. If you miss this one you might not get the desired results. (Give it a try)

// Must be called after all flags are defined and before flags are accessed within the program

How to pass values to these flags?

-flag x


go build src/cmdline/cmd.go

This will produce the binary – cmd.

Run the cmd

  -d    to debug or not
  -m string
        the message that needs to be printed
  -n int
        number of times the message needs to be displayed (default 1)
./cmd -n 2 -m="Why is world round?"

--- Command line Program ---

 >> Why is world round?

 >> Why is world round?
./cmd -n 2 -m="Why is world round?" -d=true
DBG: Number of Arguments: 5
--- Command line Program ---

 >> Why is world round?

 >> Why is world round?
./cmd -m="Why is world round?" -n=3  -d=true
DBG: Number of Arguments: 4
--- Command line Program ---

 >> Why is world round?

 >> Why is world round?

 >> Why is world round?